Our story of flamingo flockings that grew into a yard card sign service
FLAMINGOS by night was started in Phoenix in January 1994

and has been bringing joy and laughter to Arizona ever since. (A long time for a fly by night company!) We started with flamingos, pigs and dinosaurs, gradually adding more fun displays and numbers so that we now have over 50 items to entertain you. Flamingos By Night is the only place to find the original plastic flamingos in Arizona.
Although the plastic flamingo was originally not a nocturnal migrating bird, maybe there is no deterring of destiny. That wonderful pink icon of tackiness is more popular now than ever before!
Plastic flamingos have adapted very successfully to the modern environment. Today ornithologists estimate that there are only 950,000 live flamingos in existence, and the plastic flamingos have been produced well into the millions.
For the full story behind original flamingos, go to our page on Plastic Flamingo History.
Our flocks are comprised of 50 of the original Don Featherstone pink plastic flamingos.
As you can see, the original owner of our company loves real flamingos. And they love her!