Pink flamingos in the yard for birthdays
We deliver pink flamingos in the yard for a birthdays in Arizona. Or anniversaries, new babies, graduation or just gotcha! We love to celebrate. Come join the fun and don't miss a chance to commemorate a birthday, new job or achievement. Each birthday occurs just once in a lifetime. Make sure you make the most of the chance to spread some joy. A yard decorated with pink flamingos is an event they will always remember!

Why send flamingos?
Because they're just so much fun! Flamingos bring joy, laughter and an all around good time for the flockee (that's what we call the recipient). Neighbors will stop by. Friends will call. Everyone enjoys the fun flocking experience. So tickle someone pink today.
Flamingos are symbolic, wishing someone to be vibrant and outgoing. A flamingo is also well-balanced and resourceful in life. Balance in today's world is true gift. But maybe the best reason for a flock of flamingos is just because they make everyone happy.
Because they're just so much fun! Flamingos bring joy, laughter and an all around good time for the flockee (that's what we call the recipient). Neighbors will stop by. Friends will call. Everyone enjoys the fun flocking experience. So tickle someone pink today.
Flamingos are symbolic, wishing someone to be vibrant and outgoing. A flamingo is also well-balanced and resourceful in life. Balance in today's world is true gift. But maybe the best reason for a flock of flamingos is just because they make everyone happy.
Birthday yard sign delivery
We deliver the night before the occasion so when the sun rises on the new day fifty flamingos are in the yard to start it off with a big smile on someone's face. The next evening, we return after 6 pm to migrate the flock to it's new location. All you need do is place an online order or call us at 480-483-3200 to order. Flamingos by night will do the delivery and return to pick up the birithday yard greeting. It could not be easier to make a lasting impression for a loved one, friend, co-worker or classmate.
We deliver the night before the occasion so when the sun rises on the new day fifty flamingos are in the yard to start it off with a big smile on someone's face. The next evening, we return after 6 pm to migrate the flock to it's new location. All you need do is place an online order or call us at 480-483-3200 to order. Flamingos by night will do the delivery and return to pick up the birithday yard greeting. It could not be easier to make a lasting impression for a loved one, friend, co-worker or classmate.

We're more than flamingos
We are more than pink flamingos in the yard for a birthday. Better than just a card in the yard, Flamingos by night has over fifty different items for you to create your own front yard message. That may sound overwhelming, but we have multiple resources to help you choose. Check out our YouTube channel, Instagram page, FaceBook page and our photo gallery page
for photos and videos of our work. Get inspired!
We are more than pink flamingos in the yard for a birthday. Better than just a card in the yard, Flamingos by night has over fifty different items for you to create your own front yard message. That may sound overwhelming, but we have multiple resources to help you choose. Check out our YouTube channel, Instagram page, FaceBook page and our photo gallery page
for photos and videos of our work. Get inspired!
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