Where did those plastic flamingos come from anyway?

In 1993 Mr. Featherstone told us that his plastic flamingos out-numbered real ones 7 to 1 at that time. Plastic flamingos have adapted very successfully to the modern environment. Today ornithologists estimate that there are only 200,000 wild flamingos in existence (plus the ones in captivity), and the plastic flamingos have multiplied well into the millions.
Mr. Featherstone was the winner of a 1996 Ig Noble Prize for Art. [Each year, in Cambridge, Massachusetts, the editors of the Annals of Improbable Research present their Ig Noble Awards, in a parody of the Nobel awards ceremony.] Ig Nobel Prizes are awarded for achievements that make people LAUGH, then THINK. For example: after something has been discovered or created, no one - anyone, anywhere, ever - can later be the first to have made that discovery or creation.
Featherstone spent 43 years with the company, rising to the position of president before his retirement in 1999. He often wore flamingo clothing and was a verbal and visual promoter of the iconic bird. Sadly, on June 23, 2015, Don Featherstone, flamingo father, died. Thank you, Don, for all the joy your creation continues to bring.


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